Sous Rature



Rebecca Wolff




How Spooky Is It

Standing on a rutty road
mid-winter thaw

I recall once being told
“you’re in a rut”—

How spooky it is even now
to pull anything out of the water

an old TV set
the cord a drag

Presumably it is all for the best

We are the quietest neighbors
anyone on the planet

could ask for
Better than fun

is quiet

anyone could ask for

~ ~ ~


Go Upstate

Look into their open mouths
and do not be put off by my friend

the side of the road

his bad behaviour
an invitation to slow down,
out of breath

the deep and superficial muscles
of the back

reflected eyes of Kali in the darkness
at the palm of the hand

what frightens is alone

it’s not the same for everyone
this feeling of numbers






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